Listing Advantages
- Creating and enabling a continuous market – you can sell and buy a specific security anytime.
- Stock exchange as a meeting place – easily matching the demand and supply in the right time and volumes required.
- Executing transactions with minimal costs – each transaction is instantly recorded on the stock exchange as soon as it is executed. The electronic trading system displays in real time the number of executed securities and their trading price.
- Real and transparent prices – prices are entered on the system based on demand-supply principle according to securities trading rules.
- Real pricing of market value – real market prices enable the assessment of the real value of the issuer (price x securities quantity = real market value).
- Prestige – Due to the frequent quotation of securities prices and the publications of these financial transactions, the securities listing is considered also as a prestige for the issuer. This happens due to the fact that in the stock exchanges are listed only companies or issuers that satisfy strictly qualitative and quantitative criteria.
For more information about Listing Criteria on Albanian Securities Exchange click here